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Updated: Mar 29, 2021

Despite the many exciting adventures we have had this year, our family is more than ready to say goodbye to 2018...

.... and hello to 2019!

And by far the best part of 2019 will be meeting our sweet DAUGHTER in May!

Kit is incredibly proud already and I can only imagine what a wonderful big sister she will be. She loves talking about the baby and giving my belly kisses as it grows bigger. She doesn't fully understand now, but she is getting the most precious gift in a sister.

To have the privilege of raising two daughters makes me cry with joy, and I am more determined than ever to give them a strong foundation of love, encouragement, and strength. It is bittersweet to know Kit won't be my littlest baby for much longer, but equally exciting to get to see her (and myself) grow in our capacity for love.

These are a few of the 2018 family photos we shared in our Christmas cards this year and used to announce our pregnancy!

We are bound to have bumps, lessons, and growing pains ahead of us, but I am so grateful we to get to do it as a family of four in 2019.

We wish you only the best in the new year!

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